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Retail HPP Program

Universal Pure is the largest provider of High Pressure Processing (HPP) and value-added services in North America. Our team is delighted to offer retailers our knowledge, expertise, and an in-depth analysis of Own Brand products that can benefit from incorporating HPP. There is zero cost for this HPP education and product evaluation.

Consumer demand and trends are driving many retailers and manufacturers to seek out technologies that enable them to source fresh foods, with cleaner labels, that also have shelf lives capable of national distribution while also helping to reduce shrink and food waste. Identifying, evaluating, and incorporating HPP in your own brands supply chain can help retailers achieve these goals and objectives. Check out this HPP Benefits for Retailers Brief for more information.

HPP Summit Retail Roadshow

Video: Universal Pure Retail Roadshow

We’re bringing the HPP Summit Retail Roadshow to you: ​ An on-site, full-day educational seminar for Retail Own Brands, ​Product Development, Food Safety, & Quality Assurance teams.​

Universal Pure Retailer HPP Program


  • Introduction to High Pressure Processing for Retailers:
    • Overview of HPP for retailers including the growth, benefits, and trends in HPP for retail own brands. How 3rd party HPP companies can support retail own brands. (45 min presentation meeting & 15 min Q&A)


  • Own Brand Product Research:
    • Universal Pure will research your current and in development own brand products that can benefit from incorporating HPP. We will provide detailed data and analysis on the benefits and potential impacts for each product including; enhancing food safety, extending shelf life, achieving a cleaner label, reducing shrink & food waste, improving supply chain & warehousing efficiencies, and staying competitive with name brands/other retailer store brands.


  • Universal Pure will Present Research Findings & HPP Product Recommendations: 
    • Universal Pure will present detailed research broken down by department and category on all current or in development Own Brand Products that show potential benefit from incorporating HPP in the supply chain.
    • Universal Pure can recommend partners for HPP products from our current national co-packer & manufacturer network, or would be equally happy to work with your existing suppliers to formulate and test HPP on products you wish to explore further.

What is High Pressure Processing (HPP)?

HPP is a science-based tool for food safety that uses cold, potable water and high pressure applied to the outside of the food package. Potable water is water that is safe to drink or use for food preparation. This non-thermal food preservation method harnesses the power of pressure to comprehensively inactivate illness-causing, vegetative pathogens (E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes), molds and yeasts without compromising the nutritional value of the food. HPP also maintains the optimum attributes of fresh products over an extended shelf life.


HPP Benefits for Retailers

Universal Pure National HPP Facility Network

Universal Pure has deep relationships with co-packers and other strategic partners to provide an integrated, customized service to each customer. Our national HPP Facility Network is uniquely positioned to support retailers and manufacturers with outsourced HPP and value-added services for retail own brands products in many categories in the perimeter of the store.

For further insight into the Retail HPP Program, our strategic partnerships, or general HPP-related questions, please contact:

Brad Key​
Retail Business Development​
(214) 326-8610 ​​

Contact Us

1601 Pioneers Blvd
Lincoln, NE 68502
Phone: 888-240-2070