High Pressure Processing (HPP) is a unique food preservation method that utilizes cold water and high pressure (up to 87,000 psi) to add and extra layer of food safety and add shelf-life benefits for supplements and cosmetic applications.
Unlike traditional thermal pasteurization methods, HPP naturally extends shelf-life without heating the product to extremes that can damage the nutritional qualities of the product. HPP is a natural preservation technique, using nothing more than water and pressure, eliminating the need for added chemicals and preservatives.
HPP for Supplements
Applying HPP to supplement & nutraceutical ingredients, like bovine components prior to freeze-drying, can reduce the microbial load and extend the shelf-life of the final product. Supplemental elixirs, like botanicals tonics and other wellness shots, are another category that works well with HPP for added safety and shelf-life benefits. Supplemental and energy gels are a growing HPP category.
HPP for Cosmetics
High Pressure Processing can be used on cosmetic creams and gels to improve product consistency, safety, and shelf-life. HPP offers the possibility of developing products with ingredients that are natural, organic and ecological. The main advantage of HPP for this application is that it maintains the color and texture, allowing the development of formulas free of chemical additives.
Freeze-Dried Bovine Components for Encapsulation
Liquid Elixir Supplements and Serums
Supplemental and Energy Gels
Cosmetic Creams, Moisturizers, and Foundations