Universal Pure was recently selected for the Refrigerated & Frozen Foods Magazine’s cover story featuring Processors to Watch in 2020. Check out an excerpt from the story below.

The global high-pressure processing (HPP) food market is projected to be worth an estimated $27.4 billion by 2023, according to Visiongain, UK.
“The advantage of HPP is that consumers and operators across all channels can benefit from the features provided by HPP,” says Tom Woodward, chief commercial officer Universal Pure, Villa Rica, Ga. “From longer shelf life to fresher tasting products, to reduced preservatives and additives, HPP will experience strong growth universally across all channels.”
And, for Universal Pure, that strong growth is due in part to its value-added services, including cold storage, kitting, assembly, tempering, code dating and more.
In July, Universal Pure acquired Stay Fresh Foods LLC, Meriden, Conn., combining two providers of HPP services and solutions into a consolidated platform that operates 15 HPP machines across six facilities in the United States, serves over 110 customers and has HPPd over 900 million pounds of food and beverage products. Universal Pure also added a new capability with this acquisition—beverage bottling and co-packing.
“This acquisition is part of our continued growth commitment,” adds Woodward. “We strongly believe that HPP and our other value-added services are becoming increasingly important to our customers, as their needs for food safety, longer shelf life, cold storage and distribution play a role in their long-term success.”
You can read the full cover story here.